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All the information you need to know about the certificates we issue

Check here all the characteristics of the different certificates that you can request from us, as well as delivery times and prices.

Which certificates can I request?

Download the complete document with all the certificates we issue here.
Request the certificate you need by sending a form here or by sending an email to

What does each certificate contain?

1.- Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)
Verifies that the supplier meets all design and technical requirements set by the customer and that they have been properly understood. PPAP submission requirements are normally divided into five classifications or levels:

1.1. PPAP Level 1: Parts Shipment Warranty (PSW) and Appearance Approval Report (for designated point of appearance only).
1.2. PPAP Level 2: Parts Shipment Warranty (PSW), limited supporting data, drawing inspection results and appearance approval report (if applicable).
1.3. PPAP Level 3: Parts Shipment Warranty (PSW), full back-up data, drawing inspection results, IMDS, process control plan and flow chart. If requested, also includes laboratory and functional results, process capability results, capability study, gauge study and FMEA.
1.4. PPAP Level 4: Similar to Level 3 PPAP but without parts shipment.
1.5. PPAP Level 5: Parts Shipment Warranty (PSW), complete back-up data, drawing inspection results, IMDS, laboratory and functional results, aspect approval report, process capability results, capability study, process control plan, gauge study and FMEA.

2.- Process Flow
A way to visualise the steps that are assessed in order to easily understand in which order the tasks that are part of the manufacturing of the requested part are carried out.

3.- Process control
It proves to have at all times, within the acceptance limits of the process, the controls for the fulfillment of the product specifications or product requirements, and the continuous improvement of the process, as well as all the information referring to this point of the production and control process

4.- 3.1.B - Inspection Report
It includes the necessary information provided by dimensional control, functional test, corrosion resistance and chemical analysis (if applicable). The results of these tests relate to a particular production batch.

5. ISIR, Initial Inspection Report by Sampling
Includes the necessary information provided by the dimensional control, functional test, corrosion resistance and chemical analysis of the materials. The results of these tests refer to a set of 10 parts that are sent to the customer as samples.

6. IMDS, International Material Data System
These are included by the manufacturer in an online database where information on the materials used to manufacture the product is recorded and stored.

7. Corrosion report (Salt Spray Test)
Procedure used to determine the resistance of materials to corrosion, exposing them to extreme corrosive conditions artificially and following the parameters of the UN Standard ISO 9227 with the aim of determining by means of photographs the starting time of the appearance of White Rust and Red Rust on the surface of the materials.

8. ISO 9001 Certificate
Certifies compliance with the most widely recognized quality management standard in the world. It belongs to the ISO 9000 family of quality management system standards, and helps organisations meet the expectations and needs of their customers, among other benefits.

9. IATF 16949 Certificate
Accredits compliance with a quality management system emphasizing error prevention and waste reduction in manufacturing. Belongs to the ISO 9000 family of quality management system standards, helps organisations meet the expectations and needs of their customers.

10. ISO 14001 Certificate
Accredits compliance with the standard that demonstrates Damesa's responsibility and commitment to environmental protection through the management of environmental risks that may arise in the development of business activity.

11. Certificate of Conformity
Guarantees that the product being manufactured has been tested and passes the criteria established within a specification and complies with the technical and safety requirements.

12. 3D Design
This consists of the delivery of a STEP or DWG format file in which the requested product is presented in perspective, arranged in segments parallel to each other, from 3 axes (one representing the width, another the height and the last the depth of the cube). Straight lines are joined together to form cubes or other three-dimensional geometric shapes.

13. Material Certificate
A material certificate specifies the material used in the manufacture of the product in question, the chemical composition of the material and the origin of the manufacturer or supplier of the raw material.